Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Burning Heart

Here I am typing this at 12:49am...with this feeling of 'butterflies' in my stomach. You know that feeling you get when you like someone and you see them...yeah...that one :)

Well these butterflies are the result of something totally different...kinda. Ha...

I never expected that being obedient and leaving Sydney would result in how I feel in the present. Of course, it's usually that way. You can never see that far into the future enough to know that everything is eventually going to be better than you thought; and even more, pretty darn amazing!

Right now, I'm working at a church in San Angelo, Texas. Not that big of a city, but big enough to blink and see a need and another hurting person attached to the need. Big enough to see a beggar holding a sign with a genuine need for a job. I got to admit, this place wasn't 'in the cards' in regards to my plan, but it's become quite perfect. I work for this amazing church who have already blessed me beyond what I could have imagined.

Here's the cool part!

I've got all these ideas, dreams, BIGGG ones that are brewing (like coffee) every night when I go to bed and and continue to roast when I wake up in the morning. They NEVER stop coming! I love every minute of 'sleeplessness' when it comes.

And you know what? When God calls you somewhere whether now or in the future, people are gonna say things about why they believe you are making the decisions you're making and whether your motives are right...and I think that is a question that can only be tested between you and God. Aside from's all good. Don't let other people's opinions persuade you to sway away from the seed God planted...cause all kinds of opinions will flare up - but who cares!

(don't know where that all came from!?)


Aside from leading a team of amazing worshipers every week, I also get this phenomenal opportunity to be a teacher's aide for 5th graders at a school. I always thought I'd love to teach; not sure if I ever will but at least I get to have a small taste of what it'd be like. Our church runs a school that just became a Charter school which means that it is now funded completely by the State. (a really good thing by the way!). One of the requirements that the State gives us is that we have to run an 'after school' program for the kids who's parents aren't able to pick them up until later in the evening. During this time we are actually allowed to speak about Jesus.


My heart is ablaze! Mostly with ideas for the future...but I realize now that everything starts with now. Right now, what am I doing with my life? Maybe studying online for a degree in Psychology doesn't quite make sense right now because it's definitely not what I would have picked for my life...but at least I'm moving forward.

God can only work with something that is moving. And even if you're going in an awkward direction, He'll steer it back to where it needed to be in the first place.

No regrets I say...No regrets. That's how I want to feel when I am at the end of my life.

So go ahead and allow the heart to be ablaze...let the dreams bubble up from within you and make an appearance on the surface one day. Some will, some may not. A heart that is ablaze is draw others to you. A heart on fire is so attractive....!!!! It's addictive, and persuasive, full of love, full of ideas that aren't too scared to be shared because failure is just a word, not the end.

A burning heart may fail at something but it doesn't know how to stop because it's got to light something else to spread the fire...when one fire burns out, another fire lights it back up again. (This is where we need each other - I'm so big on this!) I'm just rambling. But I hope you get my drift...

It's now an hour later, and I'm still full of 'butterflies'...yeah I'm totally 'giddy'...worthily so!

In the words of one of the greatest people I know (Chris Pace) says, "Keep the fire burning."


You are loved....xx

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