I know exactly when I should NOT make a big decision. It's strange to everyone else, but I know it. It's when I feel vulnerable - emotionally, physically, spiritually...you name it...either one of these. When either of these are not strong and guarded, I make poor choices. I've been there, done that, and bought SOOOO many t-shirts!
And I will admit; with caution, that when one of these areas are not at their best, I don't think clearly. I actually think thoughts that I don't usually entertain. I'm talking about thoughts of unworthiness, self-pity, with-drawing...and sometimes I see myself differently...unattractive, not beautiful. All off these things are lies. And at the end of the day when I've realized that I've entertained these thoughts, I know that I've wasted so much time.
Let me break it down for ya...
If I could rap it, I would. But I can't, so I won't. (You will thank me later)
EMOTIONALLY- You know, I really believe to sum this one up we should look again at a scripture that I think we should keep close to us daily. Proverbs 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart. For it determines the course of your life." Most of us are ruled by our heart. In other words, we are ruled by our emotions. Emotions aren't a bad thing if used properly. I believe emotions can be a great gift when it comes to loving others. Good emotion can allow compassion and mercy to govern your life when hatred, jealousy and judgement want to win out. But when your emotions have become 'emotional' and cause you to choose poorly based on how you 'feel' not what is right and true, that is when it get's dangerous. Be careful, make sure you are guarding your heart!!! Keep watch over it...be vigilant! Love that idea...protect, cover, be vigilant, be on guard, tenderly care for...You get the idea.
PHYSICALLY - Ok. Here we go. This is a sensitive area for some. I know for me it is, but only when I am not taking care of this area of my life. Outside of our usual work, church, family (not in that order of course) there are 3 areas I believe are important: SLEEP, EAT, PLAY.
- SLEEP: This one, I will also admit I'm not on top of yet. For many reasons...but It's not cause I don't want to sleep. But if I don't get enough, I'm tired - therefore I make stupid decisions. CLEAR?! I think so...And I know that most of you are the same. I've seen it :)
- EAT: You are what you eat. Plain and simple. You eat a lot of crap, you'll feel like crap. And then you'll see yourself that way, and then continue to eat that way because "what the heck? why not?" I have done both: healthy and unhealthy, and I gotta say, I enjoy the healthy life-style so much more. I not only feel more attractive, alive, awake, happy...but I think I actually look that way. And let's not even get started on the fact that what you eat can also determine your health. Now I'm not a health freak or anything, but I do want to live long and be going strong for awhile. And by the way, I'm not into diets...I'm into life-style choices :)
- PLAY: Alright folks, we aren't 4 years old so I'm not talking about playing on the play ground or anything like that (uh..unless you enjoy that). But what I do mean is that we need to make sure we are doing things we love. Sure some of you have a family you are raising and taking care of. But you can not be the best YOU unless you are also taking care of yourself. Doing the thing(s) you love and are passionate about help to relieve you from everyday stress. Maybe it's drawing/painting/singing/writing/jogging/reading/collecting bugs(eww)/surfing/biking/coin-collecting/watching movies/going on a date with your husband or wife/hanging with friends...whatever it is, make sure you do it at least once a week. Set aside the time and make yourself do it!!! I believe this will help you with the 'heart and emotional' side of your life too. When this area is taken care of, you are sane. Which is GREAT for everyone around you. Yay for Sanity!!!
SPIRITUALLY - This is; I believe, the most important area of your life to guard. Joshua 1:8 speaks of not letting the book of the law (the Bible) depart from your mouth. In other words, continue to meditate on the word - memorize it, study it, draw your strength from it. Every time I read the word, I always wonder why I don't read it more because I know I need it so much. It is 'life and breath' to my soul. Perhaps you don't feel like reading some days...and maybe that lasts for a long time. However, don't allow yourself to read the word simply because it's an obligation. That isn't what the Lord wants. A relationship should never be about obligation; and the moment it is, we need to take a look at when it became that way and why. Psalm 1:1-3 speaks of the 'blessed' man. A man who meditates on the word day and night. Whenever I don't 'feel' like reading the word, I do it anyway. I read it not because I HAVE to (because I don't have to, God isn't making me), but because I know I NEED to. I need to read the word to be encouraged, to think straight, to get answers, and to know the Lord better because I love Him.
And prayer is simple. It's not this complex "5 steps to a good prayer" kinda thing. The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. I love that story because they knew they didn't have a clue how to pray so they asked Him and He replied with this:
This, then, is how you should pray:
" 'Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
11Give us today our daily bread.
12Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
" 'Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
11Give us today our daily bread.
12Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
for yours is the kingdom and the
power and the glory forever. Amen."
Outside of this prayer, just talk to Jesus like He is right near you; your friend. Talk through what you're going through. Yes he does know all things, but He still wants to have relationship with the ones He created. And a relationship is hard to have when you don't speak to one another.
I've learned that if one of these areas aren't quite right in my life, I don't and won't make a decision until I know I'm in a place to do so.
And I think it's hard to make a decision when you know what the Lord has spoken to you but even the people closest to you are against you. Remember wise council is essential in all decisions - but it is what it is: other people's council. Don't let people be the ONLY determining factor for what the outcome of your decision is.
And I think it's hard to make a decision when you know what the Lord has spoken to you but even the people closest to you are against you. Remember wise council is essential in all decisions - but it is what it is: other people's council. Don't let people be the ONLY determining factor for what the outcome of your decision is.
Right now; at this very season in my life, I believe the Lord has spoken to me about a new place. I've spoken to the people in my life I consider wise council, and all of them completely agree that this is exactly what they believe to be right for my life. But I also know that I want to completely surrender my plans and ideas to God's - always. With that being said, I'm making plans...but I'm being cautious with who I tell and what I tell others because I want to make sure that I'm making this decision based on what I know God has put in my path to do, not on emotion or how I feel in this season.
I don't want to have regrets in my life because I made a decision out of the emotion I was feeling at the time.
I want to be considered a wise woman because... maybe I was cautious and sometimes slow in making a big decision. And because I know that every decision I make (whether I know it or not) affects the people in my world; indirectly and directly.
You may believe that taking care of yourself is selfish; when actually, it can be very selfish to NOT do so.
Take care of yourself. Make sure your emotions are in check, have fun, do something you love and if you don't know what you love - FIND OUT! Take care of your body, you've only got one. Exercise; no matter what size you are - Remember, healthy doesn't mean thin!!! And take care of your spirit man. I'm not getting weird, I'm getting "REAL." Whatever it looks like for you, make sure you are spiritually strong - Temptation will always come, but when you are on guard spiritually, you can pass the test every time.
But please please don't get weird about those little decisions you make everyday like which shoes to wear, what beach you should drive to today , what fruit you should put in your cereal, whether or not you should brush your teeth before bed cause you're so tired, which black coat to wear today cause you have 5 of them...you get my drift - you don't need to pray about these things...Just make the decision. It's not hard. :)
AND Don't worry...
AND remember HE CARES FOR YOU...
AND know that YOU are loved...
astouds me everytime...
ReplyDeleteahhh... such a good post Nat! I'm with ya! I've just gone through the best freeing season of my life in the last 5 months... making life changing decisions and hearing God confront the fear of man I've allowed in my life and at the same time tell me, 'you're ok, move forward, I'm in you and you can look at the desires of your heart, listen to them, and walk in patience and peace that I am directing your steps. You can make decisions and in the Kingdom of God and if I haven't said no, it's all for the taking!"
ReplyDeleteI love that there's freedom in the Kingdom of God and we get to choose. We align ourselves with Him and His heart and at times He gives us options and choices cause He trusts us to choose! It's a little freaky-scary, but that's why it's a relationship not a dictatorship. I could go on and on... but i'll stop! Great post!