Jesus; (the Lord and Savior of ALL), when still walking this Earth, traveled. We can read that He traveled from city to city, town to town and ALWAYS with a divine agenda. It's hard to imagine a human ALWAYS knowing the right thing to do at the right time; Jesus did. He imitated what His Father said and did. It was the way He lived and breathed. He lived to please His Father in Heaven.
If ever I get a little confused on what living like Christ is like, I just pop open every book in the Bible that tells stories about Jesus and I read. Then I reread, and keep doing so until....I'm reminded.
I kinda love these times...the days that need reminding of what real love is.
Jesus was moved by everyONE he passed by. Even in between one (unscheduled) event to the next.
The Bible tells us a lot; but It doesn't always tells us how Jesus was feeling or what He was thinking. But I like to imagine that Jesus lived a life completely foreign to many of us. He knew joy, peace, love, hope and all the good things we strive for, but He also knew what a broken heart felt like. And I believe that He carried both with Him always.
The broken heart was for you and for me. ALL OF US. Before He ever died for us, He was heart-broken for us.
Many of us can relate to having a broken heart at one point in our lives. Whether it be from a relationship gone wrong or a death of a loved one. However, this isn't the kind of broken heart I am talking about.
That kind of broken heart can leave you debilitated and unable to think clearly.
I'm talking about the kind of broken heart that makes you want to cry, scream, punch someone in the face (and then take it back cause you'll regret it), and then change the situation on behalf of someone else. I'm talking about those moments when you see such an injustice that you feel helpless for that person, but you still want to do something about it.
A beautifully broken heart sees the mistreated everywhere they go. They don't have more pity on one particular race, gender, or age because to them - a broken heart doesn't discriminate.
There are a handful of things VERY close to my heart that have left my heart in a constant state of "brokenness" and I've been so moved to do something about these things. And I have. But I don't think this requires any applause at all. For many reasons really. But one reason being that there are many people out there doing great things and working hard to prevent injustices from recreating themselves again.
Growth means movement. Growth continues on and doesn't rest when It thinks It has done well. I'm not saying to go out looking for a broken heart; that would be foolish in more than a hundred ways. Growth looks for opportunity to grow. That is the one thing it does seek out.
Maybe...let's replace the word growth with your name or mine and I think my analogy may make more sense.
As I'm sitting in a comfy church chair yesterday listening to a very 'eye-opening' message from the book of Colossians about the church, I began to realize all over again that my heart hasn't been broken for something NEW in awhile. And not even a few hours later, I had an encounter with a good friend of mine that completely changed that very thing within seconds of hearing what his lost broken heart was saying.
I won't go into the story, but He doesn't know Jesus yet. And at the end of our conversation, I could swear I felt my heart break and It hurt. The right kind of broken heart comes with pain for that person you are broken for, but then; sometimes, just as quickly - comes this "I've got to be better than I am" for this person. As in, you've got to see both sides of their situation: the sadness and despair, and then the Joy and peace on the other side. We've got to see the Hope in Jesus too. We have to...without that, what are we here for if not to bring the hope of Jesus?
Whether or not you know Jesus, I pray that your eyes would be opened to the brokenness around you always. I pray that you would know that you have something to offer the people around you. We are all on a journey, and none is completely void of trials - but let's remember to lift people up when they are down. Let's remember to think about more than just ourselves.
Reaching out to others has been the remedy for many who have battled with depression - allowing yourself to be moved by someone else's tragedy changes your own life.
No matter how impossible it seems now, I still believe we can change the world just by reaching out to those less fortunate around us. I believe in a city with no racial walls, no judgement based on social status; that when the going get's tough for someone, the one that is first there to help is the least likely - the one who has never encountered what they have and yet their heart is broken and moved for them. A place where love means more than your busy schedule.
I don't care how naive I sound - I believe in a place like this.
Jesus loved you before He died for you. He loved you after he died for you and rose again. He loved you before you were born. He loved you when you made that really bad decision and decided to keep doing it. And even more, He still loves you....