Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Welcomed "Melodramatic-ness"...

Today; or rather, THIS WEEK, has been one of those weeks, where I'm almost positive, that each and every possible challenge that could come my way, has gladly catapulted (unannounced), into my life.  Even more, I feel as though, these challenges have literally slapped me across the face. It's almost as if, they were trying to remind me that they existed.  Believe me, Mr. Challenge, I know you still exist!!! (O.K. I know I'm bordering 'nerd-i-ness' for acknowledging my frustration with a verb and not a noun).

In fact, I feel a little silly for even feeling challenged by what is challenging me.  Horrible confrontations with people I lead, overwhelming responsibilities and my desire to be elsewhere...these are silly things to be consumed with, I know.  Perhaps by the end of this wee-little message, I'll be just fine and dandy. :)

Ohhhhh BLESS those confrontational gotta know that the Lord wants you to handle them better if everything in you, wants to avoid them. Ha! I don't know many people who actually ENJOY the confrontation; even if it is with a good friend. But, in any type of family - whether it be Church, work, home, etc, we've got to face them...and we've got to do it well.

Everything we do, involves people. It involves their heart, feelings, concerns, dreams, preconceived ideas of how it should/could be, their hurts, and their deepest desires for the things, that only they can understand.  When you work with people, you've got to expect that feelings will flare up, defenses will shoot up like "jack and the bean stalk" all the sudden, and that you may not even know how it all happened. But nonetheless, people matter...far more, than we give them credit for!

I think this is going to become my daily prayer; one that I hope, never becomes monotonous in it's meaning...

Lord, please show me how to have 'thick' skin; to not take things too personal. After all, most situations aren't about me. Give me your eyes, and your ears to hear and see your children, the way that you do. Help me to give them a chance, when they speak out of anger. Help me Lord to be more like you. Help me to see where I went wrong, and how I could have loved and respected that person better.  I know how much I need you EVERY SINGLE Lord, please help me to remember that. I pray that they would know how much you love them, and how much they are valued, through the way that I listen to them. May I always, always be slow to speak, and quick to listen.  It is because of your grace, and your compassion on me, that you listen and love like you do. I haven't earned what you give me.  So freely, I have received your grace, now Lord help me to freely give it.  Amen.

I got to thinking about another 'little' something the other day.  Ever so often, I get overwhelmed by how many areas in my life I need to work on.  I get to feeling like I'm doing 'not so bad,' and then all the sudden, BAM! I've got like a million areas I'm not doing so good in. The Holy Spirit reminded me of something the other day that He showed me ages ago. He reminded me that if I didn't notice those areas in my life that I needed to work on, I wouldn't be listening to Him. And because I am listening to Him, and wanting to change, I am becoming (as slow as it may be :) more like Jesus.  What a patient God that I get to serve!

Do I always react the way I should in every situation? NO WAY...but I'm learning. If I will see each time I mistreat someone, or that I can have the capacity to be teachable if/when I do, that I am obedient enough to humble myself, and make it right; straight away, not years down the road.  Obedience is humility at it's finest!

So I guess, the challenge really is, to always love one another.  That is such a huge statement to uphold and live by. I wanna at least say, at the end of my life, that I gave it everything.  The lazy person, won't try, because they feel that they are the way they are, and everyone else has to deal with it. I don't want to be that person. Lord please show me where I've been a complete idiot to someone else!

We're all on this earth to work together, and see some incredibly amazing things happen - in the name of Jesus. How can we do this, if we are allowing our pride to get in the way?

Pride, you aren't welcomed here anymore...that's what I say!

Daily, my pride is gonna be left at the cross...where it is meant to stay. Christ died for even something as 'consuming' as pride.

Father God, in my life, be lifted high....

Love to you all...xx

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