11 years ago I decided to take a 2 week mission trip with a bunch of other young people I didn't know to Dominican Republic and Haiti. We all met up in a training camp just outside of Dallas, Texas. While we were there, we did some training on what to expect from where we were going.
You can plan, imagine, prepare - (whatever you want to call it) for something all you like...but it can never really really prepare you for the reality of a situation.
Haiti is one of the most beautiful places (geographically) on the Earth that I have seen so far. I mean, I woke up every morning and had fresh bananas and pineapple directly from the source - I still can remember the taste. I may grow bananas one day...the thought of it has inspired me to. :)
But what I remember the most about Haiti is their spiritual heritage. Before heading to Haiti from Dominican republic, we were warned of the history of Haiti and how they had devoted most of the lives to worshipping using witchcraft and all that comes with that. All we knew is that it would be very different then the United States. When a whole nation has decided to make Voodoo their primary religion and belief... you know things are gonna be different.
We were on our way to Haiti by bus from Dominican. As soon as we crossed the border between the two countries - something changed...we felt it. The only way to explain it is that something 'spiritually' had changed. Before we could say anything that put words to how we all felt at that same moment...the bus completely broke down. Right there...within only meters of arriving in the country of Haiti...our bus had completely stopped working. Immediately we all looked at each other and knew that this was going to be a battle. One that ONLY our preperation in prayer had prepared us for.
You see, our team wasn't just traveling around doing 'nice things for Jesus.' We were preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ...and hundreds of people were being saved because of the message. People were being healed and set free and being connected with great churches in their area so that they could continue to serve Jesus with others. And if you've been a follower of Christ longer than 2 minutes - you will have found out quicker than you can say the word 'quick' that satan exists only to see destruction come to our lives. And ANYTHING that brings Life and salvation is an enemy to him.
So we came there to bring life, love, freedom, and bring the message of salvation to people who probably had NEVER heard this message. We came to bring the message of hope and salvation to people who had been using voodoo mixed with their version of Catholicism for as long as their country had existed. Most of them knew nothing else.
Ever since then I have been vowing in my heart that I would return...the people stole a place in my heart.
We stopped at a little orphanage just right inside the country and began to get to know the children who barely spoke any English. So we used the little bit of french we knew and did our best to communicate. We taught them songs about Jesus in french...songs like 'Jesus loves me.' So here we are...just young people - who didn't know what we were doing other than that we were relying completely on God to show us - and these beautiful Haitian children were singing songs about Jesus' love for them. I look back and still get the same feeling...'oh the ways God can bring healing and restoration to a nation.'
And just the other day - we all hear of massive natural disasters that have hit Haiti. And I guess it just hits home. Yes...11 years is a long time ago...but you never forget things like this. Ever.
Haiti needs prayer...more prayer than we normally would give. The stupid thing is that I'm sure someone who calls themselves a 'christian' will probably give their opinion that the reason natural disaster has come to Haiti is because of their devotion to satan. And believe you me...I will give that person my opinion when it happens!! God does not bring destruction upon a nation because of their disobedience...if so...America would be first! (AND I'M AMERICAN!!)
So...what is our part?...what is my part?...prayer..finance...whatever it takes. They need to know love and acceptance from every other part of the world. Love draws people to Jesus...not judgement.
There is so much work to do...we need to be praying for peace in this situation. Natural disaster has always bred more crime than what would normally be. And it was the case several years ago when Haiti was hit by two other massive cyclones/hurricanes. Let's pray this will not be the case...and that instead...the name of Jesus would rise up...and people would be drawn to Him....forever.
I still believe there is hope in devastation...God uses all things and makes them beautiful and new. I love the part in the movie 'The Passion of Christ' when Jesus is carrying the cross and Mary(his mother) runs over to him when He drops it...she is worried, feels hopeless...but He says to her..'Do not cry...for I make all things new.'
Let us pray.