Here I am...4 years into what I would call: the greatest years of my life so far. And I don't say that lightly. I mean it.
That's not to say that within these last four years I haven't had a bad day or experienced anything tragic. Quite the contrary. But I wouldn't change ONE SINGLE moment of those bad days. Because I've learnt more than I could have imagined from them.
I'm living in a country I love...(most days its a competition between Australia and America being the best) ...but most of the time...Australia wins. I could have never imagined I'd be living here. Although; deep in my heart, I always knew I'd end up somewhere else in the world (because of my love and interest for it) I still couldn't have painted or created the life I'm living now. Its a big life. And I guess the only downside of it is that I rarely ever see my family. Its actually a BIG downside of living here...
I guess I can't have everything :)
This is home. This is MY home. This is MY HOME. Australia. In my heart...and for now, quite literally. However... this wasn't originally my home. And with that comes the confronting truth that I may not be able to stay here. And I gotta be honest.....
That breaks my heart. Like, my heart hurts when I think of it. (just being real for a second)
God is still God. And ULTIMATELY, I want what God knows is best for me more than I want whatever plan I think is best. In other words, I want God more than I want to be disobedient or selfish.
If you're reading this and you don't have a relationship with God. You MUST know that He only wants the best for you and I. Real love gives us free-will. I guess that is what I 'would imagine' would be the hardest thing about being a parent...giving them direction - but ultimately letting them choose the way they will. God loves you and I. So much...
There are specific things in my life that I've been holding on to...and maybe its just a matter of continuing to wait for them to happen. But then again...maybe its time to let go. Either way, I've got to trust the God who has always guided me into ONLY the best for my life.
Then there are those times when what God calls us to do requires a big jump. Its more than scary....its the thing that makes you wanna run the other way when you see it. It scares you more than anything. But you know its rightly perfect for your life.
I'm not saying by any means that I have what i've been talking about ALL FIGURED OUT...i'm still learning. And, i'll bet you, i'll be continuing to learn this principle my whole life.
But for now...I have this feeling that what i'm about to step into is going to require a big deep breath...followed by an 'all or nothing' jump.
I remember when I used to go cliff jumping. 20-55ft jumps...big time jumps. And the only way to get your feet off that rock and into mid-air was to take a big deep breath...then jump!
There's a sort of peace in the 'not knowing' of what we're jumping into,
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