This is OBVIOUSLY my first blog...and to be honest, I have never had a desire to have one previous to...well...10 minutes ago when I realized that I actually do love to write. I just hate writing with pen and paper. So 'journaling' was never my thing. And I have no idea why or where I ever got the idea that it had to be limited to pen and paper.
Which has brought me to my VERY FIRST BLOG!!! Its a big deal for me...primarily because I have no idea if anyone will read this. Nonetheless...its good for my soul to write.
Let me tell you what you will never find in my blogging...eh...or attempts of...
You'll will never find me bashing anyone. No presidents, political leaders, countries, religions, races..EVER. Cruel words start wars...and frankly, i've seen enough of that. So as much I am all for opinion and expressing freely what I believe - I'm not into bashing people with my words. And if you are friends with me...you will have found out that I hate it. I feel like it accomplishes nothing; there is a way to express what you believe without doing so. What a world it would be if that is how we all acted?
But what I do hope that my blogging accomplishes is to somehow open your heart and mind to love more. To love life, people, and hopefully...one day...Jesus. I'm not aiming at directing this blog towards any one particular kind of people, I hope that everyone that reads my words would ultimately be encouraged after doing so. I hope that they will cause you to think (in a healthy way) about how we could better live our lives FOR OTHERS...not just ourselves.
What if...at the end of our life...we looked back and were GENUINELY satisfied with the work that we had done here on Earth? That as much as we had lived a fun life and spent it with family and friends whilst also enjoying the random indulgences we can get our hands on...that we GAVE freely as well.
Heavy. I know...
When you've seen poverty, pain, sorrow, imprisoned children who have never had the choice on whether or not they wanted to be a prostitute...when you've opened your eyes to REALLY see it...you actually feel convicted to never live the same. You want to change.
Just think back to the moment when someone (anyone) reached out to you... Given you money when you didn't know how you were going to eat...paid for your train fare when you didn't know how you were going to get home from work at 10 o'clock at night...stayed all night with you - through the convulsions caused by your addiction to drugs - so that you could beat it.
Who was it that helped you when everyone else gave up on you?
So i'm at the end of my first blog...and...I guess...that is what this blog is about.
You are LOVED...
P.s. The photo above is me at an orphanage in Indonesia...some of the most incredible girls ive EVER met.
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