Obedience... well... it doesn't always make sense.
When you're young and still a little sheltered in your knowledge of good and bad, you don't quite understand why when you're mom or dad has said 'no' -that its wrong. So...out of curiosity, you do it anyway. And then quickly find out why it was a no. This was usually followed by a deep regret because of the immense pain you're in from whatever your curiosity led you to try for the first time. Ohhh the good old days...
But now, I'm an adult - have been for awhile now... Mom and Dad are still Mom and Dad but they can't watch my every move. They can't always warn me of harmful things. And even more - they are all the way across the ocean. So...yeah.
There are so many times in my life I can recall taking time to imagine what my life would be like if God hadn't saved me; from relationships that were wrong, from wrong opportunities, wrong jobs, wrong cars, and the list goes on. What gets me even more, is knowing that there is so much more that I CAN'T see that He has saved me from. I wonder how many times He was was 'whispering' to not go out with that friend to that place - or to not go on that trip...even though it all seemed innocent and OK. I believe with all my heart that He saved me from a lot more than I will ever know.
And the choice to listen to that still small voice was obedience. It wasn't/isn't easy and many times, it didn't make sense. There are still situations in my life that I look back and think 'But it looks OK...' but KNOW that God didn't feel the same. I don't know what everything in heaven will be like. But I'd like to think that for a moment we might get a glimpse of things we never understood here on earth there. Maybe. Or maybe by then, I won't care. :)
There is something in my life that I've been waiting for - for a LONG time. Something that I KNOW God has promised me. And I remember at one point years ago saying to God 'I would wait forever for that, if I had to.'
If only it were that easy.
Ever since then, there have been many occasions where something else looked 'just as good'... but I always felt that still small faithful voice of God remind me - 'It's not the best...I've got better.' And I knew He was right. There hasn't been anything any better than what the Lord has promised me.
A dear friend of mine reminded me of the story of Abraham and Sarah in the book of Genesis. If you've never read their story in Genesis - you should...
After confiding in my friend about this situation in my life that I've been waiting for...she says to me this: 'You don't want an Ishmael, You want an Isaac."
Like I said, If you don't know what I'm talking about...PLEASE GO READ THE STORY! Its a good one!
So...as much as the Lord gives us a free choice...He also knows what is the best for us. He loves us THAT much that he would want the absolute best for us.
And even though obedience may be painful at times...and even though it may not make any sense to anyone (including yourself), it is always a very good thing.
I don't remember where I heard this - but someone was once asked what true worship to God was...to which they replied: "Obedience."
Obedience is not about following a rule or a law...its an understanding that if you heed to the warning - something better is waiting.
You are loved...